Chinese website moet Windows 7 foto's verwijderen
De Chinese website heeft een mail ontvangen van zo het lijkt van Microsoft of iemand die handelt in het belang van Microsoft. De website plaatste eerder deze maand screenshots en video's van de nieuwe Windows versie, Windows 7 M3 build 6780. In de mail is de eigenaar van de website verzocht om de screenshots en de video's die op YouTube waren geplaatst te verwijderen. Zoals de eigenaar zelf aangeeft lijkt het bericht van Microsoft echt en geen Hoax te zijn en zodoende heeft hij al het materiaal inmiddels verwijderd.
Well finally they get me.
I received an email from a person who claimed to be an Internet Investigator of/for Microsoft and is authorized to act on behalf of Microsoft in this matter's He asked, if not ordered, me to take down those materials (you know what he means). He lists my 2 posts URLs and the images URIs. Duteous man I commit.
Now that his email is PGP signed and the domain webpage redirects to Microsoft's anti-piracy page and clearly it is not fake, I think it's a good reason to believe he is who he claimed to be. He even submitted a request tracker to my hosting provider.
Well I still hope Microsoft's agency use a email address, that can greatly relieve me from checking whether the mail is a hoax. It's also good for you, Microsoft!
Well you don't need to be as smart as me to keep in mind that the email is NOT an endorsement. The email has nothing to do with whether my content is true or fake. It mentioned nothing about Windows or Windows 7. It's full of terms and well terms. I think that's why I didn't go to law school: I could not understand words like infringe, unauthorized and misappropriation.
I like Microsoft, really, I like it. I even own a small portion of it. Well you know MSFT is only $25 dollars per share. It's so cheap that most of you can own a small or large portion of it. It just announced a $40 billion program to buy back shares execute me looks like I'm off topic.
So, readers, you should have already noticed what I have done.
You win.
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