sexual life. So, along with pills, you need to work for eliminating the underlying cause. For this, follow destruction. Everything seemed to be going away, including happiness & love. Married life was about to end…but luckily I got to know about Alpha Titan Testo one day. I gave it a try and my sexual problems went away with the time. It’s a boon for all the males facing sexual issues. Alpha RX is a male enhancement supplement that claims to use all-natural ingredients in order to provide a slew of sexual benefits. In particular, the product claims to enhance sex drive and libido, help achieve bigger and harder erections, improve sexual staying power, and even increase penis length and girth. The manufacturer of Alpha RX claims that it’s not just a “miracle pill,” instead calling it a complete male enhancement system. They state that the product can increase blood flow to the penis, while also increasing the overall concentration of testosterone in the body. Finally, the company claims that Alpha RX is doctor recommended, stating that the ingredients in use in the product’s formula have been proven to support sexual health and energy. We’ll take a closer look at these ingredients shortly, but