Tinnitus 911 background* *goat yells by Sofia* And though I would have enjoyed either of those methods I actually nervous, but I felt like we were just going along so well, so confidently She was telling me what to do and now I'm not so sure Though I guess she did publish the video, so it must not have turned out too bad in her opinion Alright, so she just cuts right above the rubber band She just goes for it. She just just starts sawing, basically I'm gonna do this this side first, because I can see it in this mirror here Oh my go(sh) Alright I just wanna make sure my scissors aren't like at an angle I mean, I guess we would just end up with like an angled bob, but that's not what this turorial is about Ready? Oh, Oh my God, it's happening You can't say that Oh my God, it was totally at an angle. Oh God, it's at an angle now, it's getting worse Look *laughter* I don't know. Oh my God. The weird thing is, it looks crazy right here, right? It looks crazy But right here it looks okay. Maybe if they like trim the video like just to this part. I'm determined