december 2019
vsvsdvsdvthe so since the last time we recorded obviously you guys already know this but for our fans at so after r a year then the doctors this time around couldn't identify what was it was it as cankle was it his calf was it structural was it muscular what was going on so that's it we've they've really done a sad thing to Andrew Lucktypes of teas and its health benefits I believe what are your thoughts part of me say man you know it's a guy that literally so much talent but you know it's just like there it rose man if he didn't sustain any injury the man goes down a history plane is simple so an angel looks case it's the same exact thing I think you hit it right on the head perfectly all the compliments that he had with those injuries lingering and kind of staying you know underneath just the tenth of their organization it sucks man it sucks I always hate to see people who can offer so much more for a game than a game that we love they're not able to do it anymore I said and a game that they love even more than we do you got to december 2019 08:59