Following the disease being diagnosed through the
Tinnitus 911 Review doctor carrying out several tests including ABR's (auditory brain stem response tests) or CT (Computer Tomography) scan, they can determine the right course of treatment. There are a couple of options available for the doctors to consider and which one they choose will depend upon the severity of the condition.So what sorts of treatments can be used to treat Meniere's disease and help to bring ringing of ears under control in sufferers of this condition? Below we take a brief look at the options available.
If the condition is not too severe then the doctor may prescribe a course of water pills (diuretics) to be taken. Plus they will require the patient also to reduce the level of salt in their diet. However, if the patient also suffers from vertigo attacks occasionally then the doctor may also prescribe a course of anti-vertigo medicines to be taken when an attack occurs to provide temporary relief.
If the person is having real problems controlling the attacks of vertigo that they suffer and the medication prescribed to provide relief is not working this is the other course of action a doctor may take. There are several operations that the doctor may choose to have carried out. All of which will help to provide relief from the condition and not only help to get the vertigo under control but also the ringing of ears. One option is to implant an endolymphatic shunt which helps to drain off excess fluid from the ear.