It's interesting to note that other studies ask the question,
Tinnitus 911 Review if the development of tinnitus is, at least partly, a result of a high degree of anxiety, or if tinnitus is anxiogenic (meaning does tinnitus cause the anxiety). This particular question has been presented in another way. It's been compared to a farmer planting crops. Stress, depression, panic disorder, anxiety are just like fertilized soil. The farmer planting the crops is much like some physical cause of tinnitus. The farmer plants the crops and the crops grow and flourish in the fertilized soil, but with no fertile soil, they only last a brief period of time.
People having anxiety and with other emotional disorders can get tinnitus "planted" in their brain. It grows and before long levels out in volume. The brain is conscious of this noise and at first doesn't like the noise. Later on, as the brain gets accustomed to having the noise around, it believes it is necessary for survival and goes in search of it automatically when it isn't there. (Have you ever awoken from a nap and then have your tinnitus volume sky rocket? (That's your system endeavoring to keep you alive!) The brain doesn't think the tinnitus is "good", it simply becomes a survival issue and a "sound loop" is created in your brain that keeps the tinnitus there.
Tinnitus is a condition where you hear ringing or other types of sound in the absence of real acoustic stimulation. When it comes to treating this condition, there are indeed very limited options in medical treatment for this hearing condition. Up till now there is no proven medical treatment - drug or surgery - that specifically targets tinnitus. However, there is still a list of possible medical treatments that offer a certain extent of relief for millions of tinnitus sufferers worldwide.