hey out okay surgery despite what she said or the doctor is really angling to push her there dr. nameless I like you already my man and by the way I am not allowed to have potatoes right mama hot love to have anything be in a hurry somewhere and you're gonna get off the fast food is still gonna happen so he gave me tons of examples of what I can and can't eat four times like that and a really good example that he showed me is like say you're like in a super big rush and you need to get some food in and you're like out doing something swing by the Madonna get yourself a cheeseburger take off half of the bun and I was like okay I've actually seen a lot of Lokar people do that so anyways um for my dinners so it sounds like this guy has worked with care number of people with morbidly obese people who have sort of those how do I say this sounding insensitive who have some impulsive control issues control and eating disorders kind of go hand in hand whether it's lack of it or over exercising control so it sounds crazy to say look I know you're gonna eat fast