There are few mistakes that you may have making on daily basis knowingly or unknowingly which can harm to your health. So better to correct it before it poses some serious health threat for you.
• Using your mobile in your pocket or before bed: One of the common mistakes that you make is by keeping cell phones in your pocket or by keeping it just before your bed when you are going for sleep. Researchers have shown that cell phones pose serious health threat for you as it can cause sleeping disorders and can harm to your Pro Diet Care as well. So better avoid keeping your phones on those places and landline at bedtime that’s better for.
• Brushing your teeth after meals: Yes its right! Brushing your teeth after meals is not good for your teeth. the good brushing habits include twice in a day for 2 minutes however if you brush your teeth after your meal what happens it that the sugar that found in your food reacts with plaque to create acid, which can weakens your tooth enamel. So better to do it couple of hours after eating your meals and brush before the breakfast as it prevents dental erosion by coating your teeth with fluoride. Chew sugar-free gums after meals to freshen your breath.
• Too much worrying about your weight: However it is good to keep your body weight at healthier level but obsessing about a few kilos of won’t do any favor to your health and there are few inaccuracy about Body Mass Index as it doesn’t take into account that which part of your body is wearing access of weight. There are a number of fault with this method as it has been seen that many a times it has been totally inaccurate while measuring body fat. So experts say that it is better to only think about your waist measurement and try to keep it under 80cm that’s the healthier way to go after your body fat.
• Carrying heavy handbag: One of the common mistake that you may have been making each day while going to your office is by carrying a overloaded bag because it can create imbalance in your muscular structure and can cause shoulder or back problem. So better to use a cross-body shoulder bag and distribute weight across your body.
• Starting your day with warm water & lemon: You may be thinking that it’s doing well for your health but dentists call it bed for your teeth. They argue that hot water and lemon makes your teeth sensitive so better to avoid it.
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